Calvin Kim

Calvin Kim is a 2000 LLU School of Dentistry alum and practices in WA. He currently serves as ASI VP for Evangelism. He is the co-founder of ARME Bible Camp and F5 Challenge. He is married to his beautiful wife Amy of 21 years, and together they have two daughters Charis and Caia. Calvin is an avid runner, mountain biker, climber, and loves all things outdoors. His passion for fitness and health is second only to his greatest passion — giving Bible studies and winning souls into God’s kingdom. His life motto can be best summed up by the words of missionary C.T. Studd: “Only one life ’twill soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.”

Friday Vespers (not streamed on Zoom)
Drippers vs. Non-Drippers: Where Every Marital Fight Begins!

Sabbath Worship
Personal Testimony: Going to Hell in a Ferrari!

Sabbath Afternoon
Pew Warmer to Soul Winner!