Jorge Baute

The Bible sanctuary explains in simple imagery God’s plan to redeem the fallen human race from the power of sin and death. The sanctuary is the tool that God has given to His people to help them understand the science of salvation. In this workshop we will learn in practical ways how the plan works and how to cooperate with Jesus in the process. There will be 4 meetings total this weekend. Please invite a friend. You won’t want to miss it!

Pastor Jorge Baute joined the Carolina Conference in the Summer of 2019. Before returning to Southeast he served as the district pastor in Hayden, Idaho of the Upper Columbia Conference, as a teacher at Ouachita Hills Academy and College, located in the state of Arkansas. Prior to that, he served as a pastor in the Kansas/Nebraska Conference. He has also served as Chaplin/Bible teacher at Enterprise Academy in the Kansas/Nebraska Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. He is the husband of a lovely Southern belle, SueEllen, and the father of two awesome young adult children, Joshua and Sarah.

Message Titles:
1. The Sanctuary: A Model for Prayer – Discover how the sanctuary teaches us not only how to pray, but also what to pray for.
2. The Daily Today – The sanctuary teaches us how to walk with Jesus in a real, practical and personal way.
3. The Good news of the Judgment – You will discover that the Father is not the one to fear in the Judgment and you will be amazed at who it is you must fear.
4. Why Jesus Waits – The Sanctuary reveals the reason for the delay in the Second Coming. Come and see why Jesus has not returned!