Checkout Our Amazing History of Guest Speakers
Our speakers are dedicated and enthusiastic about the Word of God with a strong focus on providing God’s wisdom and making it applicable and practical for everyday life!
Oliver Bragg
Oliver Bragg was born in the beautiful White Mountains of New Hampshire and was blessed to grow up with wonderful parents, three amazing sisters, and a dog named Shiloh. Originally, he came to California to pursue a graduate degree in Public Health but instead found his calling in education and today works as a high school history teacher at La Sierra Academy. Oliver has a heart for foreign missions, agriculture, and working with young people.
Norman McNulty
Norman McNulty, M.D., is a board-certified neurologist practicing in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee. Prior to starting his current job in Tennessee, he worked for two years at the Adventist hospital in Trinidad. He trained at Loma Linda University and graduated in 2004. He enjoys studying the Adventist prophetic message and travels around the world speaking in his free time. He is the author of the recently published books Daniel: Practical Living in the Judgment Hour and Revelation: Practical Living in the Judgment Hour. He is married to Joelle, and they are blessed with four beautiful daughters, Saralyn, Anneke, Madeline, and Ruby, and one son, Edson.
K’dee Crews
Dr. K’dee Crews graduated from Loma Linda University with a PhD in Clinical Psychology and currently works as a licensed clinical psychologist and supervisor at Beautiful Minds Medical in Northern California. She is an international speaker, podcast host, running enthusiast, and wife to the love of her life and partner in ministry, Pastor Aron Crews. Her ultimate joy is sharing how the truth of a compassionate God can heal our broken world, lives and hearts.
Alistair Huong
Alistair, with his love for studying the Bible, has had the opportunity to travel widely, speaking and sharing the truth with people nationally and internationally. He currently serves as the Executive Director of AudioVerse, and is owner and financial planner at AdventEdge Financial, LLC. He has presented on many Biblical topics, particularly on personal finance, at churches, conferences, and camp meetings around the world. He resides in Collegedale, TN with his wife, Deborah, and two daughters, Leilani and Liana.
Luke Cloete
Luke is a former Director of AdventHOPE whose day job is business administration for a holding company based in Anaheim. When not working, Luke enjoys playing pickleball, floor hockey, and most other sports with his fiends. Luke also enjoys the unexpected adventures of life the latest of which will be his move to Maine at the end of the month. Luke is so thankful for growing up in Loma Linda and will definitely miss the Southern Californian winters but most of all the amazing people who have enriched his life in so many ways, not least of which spiritually.