Restoration 2025
Mar 07, Saturday
Mar 07, Saturday
Mar 07, Saturday
Restoration Schedule
Restoration Vegetarian Potluck
Mar 08, Saturday, 1:15:00 PM
Mar 08, Saturday, 1:15:00 PM
LLUC Fellowship Hall
Mar 08, Saturday, 1:15:00 PM
Restoration Gym Night
Mar 08, Saturday, 6:30:00 PM
Mar 08, Saturday, 6:30:00 PM
Drayson Center
Mar 08, Saturday, 6:30:00 PM
Ambassadors for Christ
Your Support of Advent HOPE
As a self-supporting Sabbath school of the Loma Linda University Church (LLUC), we so appreciate all the support you give to this ministry as we seek to share the Present Truth for this time. As a 100% volunteer-led ministry, all financial contributions (in the form of loose offerings) go directly to support both the local and global mission of Advent HOPE. All tithes returned in the designated envelopes are provided to the LLUC office. For more information on how your contributions help to support this ministry please visit
Foundations Sabbath School Class
Are you looking to build your Christian experience on a firm foundation? Get grounded in the fundamental truths by joining a brand new Sabbath school class - Foundations! This class is designed to help seekers develop a firm foundation in doctrine and the Christian life. Click the link below to sign up and share it with a friend!
AH Prayer Line
We invite you to join us for 40 Days of Prayer. 6 AM each morning. Zoom: 847 9009 1731 PW: 177977
Prayer Meeting
7:15 PM
7:15 PM
The P.R.A.Y. Continually Ministry invites you to gather for prayer at 7:15 pm on Wednesdays at the Loma Linda University Church Sabbath school Room 102
LLUC Room 102
7:15 PM
Blessing Band Ministry
7:30 PM
7:30 PM
Come join us as we use song, prayer, and literature to minister to the individuals waiting to be seen for care, and families waiting for their family members.
We meet every Friday 7:30pm to 9pm in front of the new LLU Hospital.
In front of new hospital
7:30 PM
At the Door Ministry
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
We meet Sabbaths at 2 pm (except the first Sabbath of the month) in front of the LLU Market, where we have a short training session and prayer before going door to door. We also have a prayer ministry to pray for the teams while they visit the homes. Note: At the Door will meet on June 1, 2024 and resume on July 6, 2024.
In front of Loma Linda Market
2:00 PM
Chub Club
Chub Club has relaunched and is going with a variety of outdoor and fitness related activities! Join the Whatsapp group chat here or click the poster above
to be updated on the latest adventure.
Small Group Bible Studies
There are a number of midweek, small group Bible studies open for you to join. Go to to learn more. Sign up by scanning the QR code or go to
FUSION Ministries
2:00:00 PM
2:00:00 PM
Join FUSION Ministry as they seek to build relationships with our unhoused friends in San Bernardino. We meet weekly for outreach on Saturdays at 2 PM at Drayson Center for prayer and a devotional thought before carpooling to our destination.
Drayson Center
2:00:00 PM
Bible Studies

Weekly Overview
Chub Club
See WhatsApp . Loma Linda
Sundays Activity
At the Door
2:00 PM . Loma Linda
Sabbath Outreach
Evening Discipleship Group
7:00 PM . Redlands, CA
Wednesdays Bible Study
P.R.A.Y. Continually Ministry
7:15 PM . Loma Linda Uni. Church Room 102
Wednesdays Prayer
Sanctuary Study
6:00 PM . Loma Linda
Fridays Bible Study
Blessing Band
7:30 PM . Loma Linda Uni. Hospital
Sundays Outreach
Sign up to get involved

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